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Farm to Kitchen

Local, Organic, Sustainable Produce
With produce growing trends and buying needs shifting dramatically we find ourselves, as purveyors of fresh fruits and vegetables, looking more closely at where and who we buy from as well as how we transport this product to you, in order to deliver the freshest, most local, organic or pesticide-free product available out there via the cleanest, most environmentally safe way.
Providing “conventionally” grown product is always going to be in our scope when local Organic product is not available but we are now offering Farmer’s Market Picks, a weekly list of all of the items available from some of our favorite smaller local farms. We at Produce Available aspire to stock our warehouse with as much local/organic/pesticide-free produce as possible so that it is available to you on a daily basis. It only makes sense given the location of our warehouse, to connect, communicate with, and develop business relations with as many local farms as possible. Note this is an evolving program, one that is taking time and patience to develop, but we are on our way.
Click on This Week's Farm Picks under the Farm to Kitchen link above to view this weeks offerings. Then.... call your sales representative to place your order and learn about delivery windows during the week.
Local Farms We Love
Some Facts and Information:
Official Definition of "Organic"
The following excerpt is from the definition of "organic" that the National Organic Standards Board adopted in April 1995. "Organic agriculture is an ecologicall production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony."
What Does "Certified Organic" Mean?
"Certified Organic" means the item has been grown according to strict uniform standards that are verified by independent, state or private organizations. Certification includes inspections of farm fields and processing facilities, detailed record keeping, and periodic testing of soil and water to ensure that growers and handlers are meeting the standards which have been set. Although the new label designates only certified organic foods, the use of the term "organic" with or without the label, implies adherence to government standards. Although very small farms (those which gross less than $5,000) are exempt from the certification requirement, they are not exempt from the regulations and are subject to inspections or other methods of enforcement. Since only the smallest farms are exempt from certification, the majority of small farms which are eligible to apply for certification, but lack sufficient resources, may choose not to undergo the detailed and costly certification process. Although fifteen states do offer a cost-sharing program, which helps smaller farmers offset certification costs, the reality is that much of the organic food consumers see will likely be uncertified. Consumers who are certified, but those who prefer to buy from small farms can still be assured of USDA oversight. Under these guidelines the use of genetically modified organisms, sewage sludge and irradiation are strictly forbidden.
Do Organic Farmers Ever Use Pesticides?
Prevention is the organic farmer's primary strategy for disease, weed, and insect control. By building health soils, organic farmers find that healthy plants are better able to resist disease and insects. Organic producers often select species that are well adapted for the climate and therefore resist disease and pests. When pest populations get out of balance, growers will try various options like insect predators, mating disruption, traps, and barriers. If these fail, permission may be granted by the certifier to apply botanical or other no persistent pest controls under restricted conditions. Botanicals are derived from plants and are broken down quickly by oxygen and sunlight.
What is the Difference Between "Organic" and "Natural"?
"Natural" means that the product has undergone minimal processing. "Natural" products have no certification or inspection system in place.
What is Hydroponics"?
Hydroponics is the science of growing plants without soil. The plants thrive on the nutrient solution alone. The medium (rockwool) merely acts as support for the plants and their root systems, and perhaps to hold moisture around the roots. The growing medium, if any, is totally inert.
What is the Purpose of Vertical Farming?
Vertical farming is the practice of growing produce in vertically stacked layers. The practice can use soil, hydroponic or aeroponic growing methods. Vertical farms attempt to produce food in challenging environments, like where usable land is rare or unavailable. More to come on this rather new and innovative style of farming. It certainly is making waves with conventional and hydroponic farmers.